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敲门声刚一响起,Ferrero教授给她开了门,拥抱了一下温颂激动地说:“Iseylia! Congratulations!”

“Good afternoon, Prof.Ferrero.”


“Yea I saw that email.”温颂点点头,和她一起面对面坐在沙发上笑着说,“so fortunate our group and the findings nominated for the Nobel Prize.”


Ferrero教授赞许地看着温颂说:“You deserve that. You know, at your postgraduate period, I knew the day would definitely e. But yea, I also feel surprised cause it es earlier than I thought.”


温颂又和Ferrero教授聊了会天,期间她又问及了温颂在宇航员中心的训练如何,温颂笑着说道:“Everything goes well, but honestly, I felt almost dead after the training.”


“Yea I see.”Ferrero教授也笑着说道,“You looks a little tired, but more strong, that’s a good thing. Anyway, eat well, rest well, I believe you’ll be the first professor to the space in our faculty.””

(是的,我看出来了。你看起来有点累,但更强壮了,这是好事。 总之,好好吃饭,好好休息,我相信你会成为我们系第一个登上太空的教授。)

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