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第573章 我最会偷懒(1 / 2)


“嗯。”温颂伸了个懒腰,尝了口燕窝,拉着程澈坐到电脑前,指着屏幕上的数据图说,“你看这个,是Aurora和ALMA传来的data of dark matter gravitational waves,和我之前在实验室里模拟的,几乎一模一样。”


“yes.”温颂笑着点点头,“和假设的一样,这里,目前aurora正在土星和天王星轨道之间,dark matter density is noticeably lower than that of the asteroid belt. But here, TNR, the density reaches a peak, even far higher than that of asteroid belt.


Previously accepted view was Neptune’s migration and the resonance effects with Kuiper Belt objects led to orbital shifts. However, based on observations from ALMA, Aurora, and my previous experiments with gravitational wave detectors at Kuper… I can now essentially determine there are dark stars in Kuiper Belt, but whether they are dark stars or primordial black holes… still need another simulation experiment via WDM Model, and then wait until Aurora reaches Kuiper Belt to make a final determination based on the dark matter halo detection data it sends back.”

(之前普遍接受的观点都是,海王星在迁移过程中和柯伊伯带天体间的共振效应导致了轨道偏移,但是根据ALMA、Aurora还有我之前在Kuper通过引力波探测器的实验来看…基本可以确定,柯伊伯带存在暗星,但到底是暗星还是原初黑洞….需要用WDM Model再做一次模拟实验,然后等到Aurora抵达柯伊伯带后,根据它传回的暗物质晕探测数据才能最终确定)

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