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第1406章 卡罗琳的套路(2 / 2)



这一刻赖特、皮尔洛、菲尔顿、迈克科、菲杰诺睁大了眼睛看着我,“Oh my goodness! Are you really using emetic for him! Why are the blood vessels on his body so red all over his body? Why do you see a piece of blue and green skin on his neck?(注:天呀!你们真的给他用的是吐真剂吗!他身上的血管,他的全身怎么这么红的,你们看他的脖子怎么会有一块蓝色和绿色的皮肤?”)皮尔洛手指着我大声说.......

“Wright! Is he going to be okay? His wife is an American and a member of the Citibank board,“Tracy“. Tracy's eldest brother is Hall, who was elected as a senator this year! And I have obtained information from Yan Qibin, who is the nephew of the Director of the Military Statistics Bureau of the Republic of China! So(注:赖特!他不会有事吧?他的妻子是美国人,而且是花旗银行董事会的成员“翠西”,翠西的大哥是霍尔,今年当选为参议员!而且我得到晏祺斌的资料,他是民国军统局长的外甥!这样......”)这时菲尔顿看赖特说;

而赖特却提起一桶水向我身上泼下嘴里说:“Wait a minute, this is the first time I've seen this injection like this. It's like taking African aphrodisiacs, you bastard(注:等一下,这种针剂出现这样的情况我还是第一次见,看他这样就象吃了非洲的催情药一样,这混蛋”).......

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