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第1437章 你们为了“法兰西老娘”的尊严!好运(2 / 2)


“那你的意思就是让我们以身......”孔令俊的话还没有说完就被走过来的史密斯船长的话打断:“Boss! Thank you very much for saving my whole family and all my brothers, your family! And those French patriots(注:老板!非常感谢您救了我的全家和所有兄弟你家人!还有那些法国同胞”);

“Nothing! You arrange your brothers' families to eat and rest in the second floor restaurant! Then we can only go to Shanghai! At the same time, you can arrange a place to stay. Let's go to the next station to replenish the bed and bedding! Tell your other patriots not to cause trouble, we provide food and acmodation, and you can see where to stop and let them go back! captain smith(注:没有什么!你按排兄弟们的家人在二层餐厅吃饭休息!然后只能和我们去上海了!同时你安排地方住下,床和被褥我们到下一站补充吧!告诉你其他的同胞,不要闹事、我们提供吃住,你看一下到什么地方停下让他们回去!史密斯船长”)我看着这个法国船长用英语说;


转身看去,距离我们船有几十米的海水里冒出一艘巨大的潜艇,这一刻心里不由得一沉破口大骂:“狗日的,是德国的潜艇!”同时大声对一脸惊恐的史密斯船长用英语大声说:“Captain Smith! Hurry up and go back! Maintain normal speed, don't be too fast!(注:史密斯船长!快点回去!保持正常速度,不要在快!”);


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