当前位置:笔趣阁>其他小说>仅仅爱了很久> 第78章 顾子卿不认识花的品种
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第78章 顾子卿不认识花的品种(2 / 2)

顾子卿看着Amy傻笑的挠了挠头摆着手说“Hello, what a coincidence, right? In our Chinese words is fate.(好巧对不对?用我们中国话说就是缘分。)”

Amy没理顾子卿的话而是指着徐一宝问“Who is this?(这是谁?)”

顾子卿把徐一宝拉到前面向Amy介绍说“Let me introduce you, this is Xu Yibao, the sister of your senior Xu Kang, and now she is also my new friend.(这位是徐一宝是你们学长徐康的妹妹现在也是我的新朋友。)”

Amy听到是徐康的妹妹立刻拥抱徐一宝说“Nice to meet you. I\u0027m Xu Kang\u0027s junior(很高兴认识你,我是徐康的学妹。)”

被陌生人抱着不舒服的徐一宝赶紧说“I\u0027m glad to meet you, too, but can you let me go first? I\u0027m not fortable being held by you.(我也很高兴,不过你能先放开我吗?我被你抱着不舒服)”

听到徐一宝的话Amy赶紧松开她说“I\u0027m sorry, I\u0027m just a little excited. I admire your brother, but don\u0027t get me wrong. I don\u0027t like him just worship him. I know he has a girlfriend.(对不起,我有些激动了,我很崇拜你哥哥的但不要误会我不喜欢他只是崇拜他而已我知道他有女朋友。)”

被Amy送来后,徐一宝赶紧往后退了两步说“I know! I didn\u0027t misunderstand that you like him, and I didn\u0027t narcissistic enough to think that my brother is so good that girls all over the world like my brother(我知道,我没有误会你,我也没有自恋到认为我哥优秀到全世界的女孩都喜欢他。)”

Amy看到徐一宝没有误会她立刻笑着说“No misunderstanding! But what are you doing here today?(没有误会就好,不过你们今天来这里是要做什么?)”

听到Amy的话徐一宝正想说,来这里是因为顾子卿也就是Anthony要向你表白。就在徐一宝要张口解释的时候。顾子卿立刻打断她说“Amy, go ahead! I brought her here to eat. Yes, I came to eat. After eating, I took her to play.(你去忙吧!我带她来这里就是来吃饭的,吃完再带她去玩。)”

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