大可爱还没有来得及开口就听到土狼用蹩脚的外语道,“You talk a lot!”(你的话真多。)
土狼又是嘿嘿一笑。又继续用外语说道,“Never mind. Never mind.”(勿怪,勿怪。)
大可爱耸耸肩,然后看向枯措的道,“We Chinese soldiers have heard that you are a very famous figure in your country. He wants to see you.”(我们华国的军人听说您在你们国家也是响当当的人物,他想来看看你。)
“Although you are now a prisoner, but it does not affect your heroic posture.”(虽然您现在贵为阶下囚,但是也不影响您的英姿。)
“We're here. Please don't take it easy.”(这不我们就来了,还请不要见怪。)
大可爱是懂怎么往心口上捅刀子的。这一句句气的枯措都攥紧了手,他气愤的说道,“If you wanted to see me look ugly, you got it.”(如果你们是想来看我这副丑样子那你们如愿了。)
“There is a saying in your country that the tides of change should not be too heavy!”(你们国家有一句话,风水轮流转,可不要太过于得瑟。)