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第337章 不当所长的日子里(5)(补2024.2.29更新)(2 / 2)





“……Since 1980, researchers extensively used fuzzy controllers in various applications. Fuzzy controllers are a type of control system that uses fuzzy logic to handle imprecise or uncertain information. They were particularly popular in the field of industrial automation and control systems.

“Researchers utilized fuzzy controllers to improve the performance of plex systems that were difficult to model using traditional control techniques. Fuzzy controllers allowed for the incorporation of expert knowledge and linguistic rules into the control system, enabling more intuitive and human-like decision-making.


“One of the key advantages of fuzzy controllers was their ability to handle non-linear and uncertain systems. They provided a flexible framework for dealing with imprecise inputs and outputs, making them suitable for a wide range of applications.

“Researchers applied fuzzy controllers in areas such as robotics, process control, power systems, and automotive systems. They developed novel control algorithms and techniques based on fuzzy logic to address specific challenges in these domains……”

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