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第7章 你中毒了(1 / 2)

下午第一节英语课上,年轻时尚的英语老师正要指定一人来朗读一下课文,她往台下扫一眼就看到了坐在刘浩旁边的吴敏:“Let's invite the students next to Liu Hao to read this article”

吴敏站起身,因为有在美国留学的经历,所以她说出的英文是正宗的美式发音,既流利又好听,英语老师一下子就被惊艳到了:“You have better pronunciation than the teacher. Tell me your name”“你的英文发言比老师还要正宗,说一下你的名字。”没想到这次新来的几个学生里面能有一个英语学的这么好的人,还真是一件令她感到非常愉悦的事情呢。

吴敏:“WU MIN”

英语老师非常夸张的一只手捂住了自己的嘴巴:“Oh, my God, you are Wu min. I read the article in your monthly exam. CET-4 is not necessarily able to write. Can you share your English learning experience with us?


吴敏冲老师露出一个无害的笑,说出的话却不那么无害:“Teacher, can you act less grandiose?”(老师,您的表演真的很浮夸。)

英语老师:“Oh, you found out so soon. Is it that obvious?”“哎呀,这么快就被你发现了,有这么明显吗?”

吴敏无比诚恳的点头:“We rocket class intelligence is no problem.”(咱们火箭班的人智商都是没问题的。)意思就是说只要是智商没问题的人就能够看出来。

英语老师不怒反笑:“OK, it's not lovely to tear down the teacher's girl. Since you can talk so much, the teacher will talk to you more in class.”(好吧,还真是一个不可爱的女孩儿呢。刚刚跟你聊的不错,以后课堂上咱们再多聊聊。)

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