大可爱轻抿嘴唇,拉着凳子又往前坐了坐,看着枯措道,“This is a challenge for us. We're not afraid of him. We just don't know how much you'll lose on this.”(这对于我们来说是一个挑战。我们并没有惧怕他。只是不知道你们会在这个上面亏损多少。)
“After all, isn't it just money you want?”(毕竟你们为的不就是一个金钱吗?)
枯措狠狠的瞪了一眼大可爱,冷森森的说道,“Don't worry about us. If you don't effectively end this virus war, you will lose a lot of money.”(就不要操心我们了。如果你们不能有效的结束这场病毒战,那么你们也会亏损很多。)
“China has a large population. Does it not care at all? ”(华国人口众多,难道对于这些一点都不在乎吗?)
大可爱也是轻轻的勾起嘴角,然后一字一句的说道,“We've only got one person infected. Doesn't that mean anything?”(我们现在只有一个人感染,这还不能说明问题吗?)
“We are also very confident that we can solve this problem perfectly.”(我们也是很有信心可以完美的解决这一次的事端。)
“Dear Mr. Khusuo, I will ask people to go and examine it carefully.”(亲爱的枯措先生,后山我会让人再去仔细查看的。)